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AT-HOME Retreat

Wed May 6th - Sun May 10th, 2020


Welcome to your life. 

You are now being tested to thrive under brand new circumstances. 

You don't know when things will shift, and what they will even look like when they do shift. 

This 5-day at-home retreat is designed to offer you real, practical tools and processes that will give you clarity on how to heal, understand, explore, and move forward into this new way of being. 

Find your new normal.

Get ready to feel supported, heard, and kick into gear in a way that you could never have imagined, even before life shifted into what it is right now. 

Grow closer with yourself and others like never before in a powerful, connected group; 

from the comfort of your own home. 

Learn robust tools to navigate through your current experience and come out on the other side with clarity in mutliple areas of your life. 

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What are people saying...

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For those of you that need to know...

Wed-Fri Schedule:

7-8am // physical movement practice

8-10am // coaching call with group

10am-4pm // daily assignments

4-6pm // coaching call with group

6-7pm // physical movement practice

Sat-Sun Schedule:

9-10am // physical movement practice

10:30-12:30am // coaching call with group

1-4pm // daily assignments

4:30-6:30pm // coaching call with group

Week Schedule:

Day 1: Your Self

Day 2: Your Purpose

Day 3: Your Relationships

Day 4: Your Environment

Day 5: Your Toolbox

Sign up now!

One small investment to change your life forever


*deadline to sign up Sun, May 3rd

Spaces are HIGHLY limited.

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